Thursday, December 20, 2018

My Favorite Time of the Year


     So, I am looking forward to Christmas Eve and Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year. I just love seeing the expressions on the faces of loved ones when they open their gifts from me during Christmas Eve and Christmas because not all of them open their presents from me. But anyway, I've been kind of random this time. This time around, the big main things I've asked for is gift cards. Don't know why. I also did name some things that I wanted and needed for Christmas. So, mine's kind of basic compared to some of my other family members. Some of my family members are asking for expensive type of stuff. I wouldn't consider myself boring though. I love shopping in certain stores. So, after Christmas, I want to shop. Not exactly the day after. But sometime after Christmas.
    Anyway, that's pretty all that I pretty much want to say. I don't blog as much as I want to. But I do have my reasons.


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Goals for the Rest of the Year and for the Year 2019


    I know that it's been awhile since I have last blogged. I've been busy with life. But, I thought that I would share some goals with you.


Be spiritually strong and get spiritually stronger
Working on the value of patience more
Spend more wisely
Work on improving in life.
To forgive and forget about certain people (after all the last thing we need are toxic people in our lives)
 Be less stressed out and exercise more
Finish stories that I begin

    Well, there you go. Some of the goals that I have despite the fact that there is chaos happening in the world.

Monday, July 16, 2018

New Books That Needs to Become Audioized in my Opinion

      Hey, I know that it's been awhile. But, I have some ideas as to what books needs to become audio books (in my opinion). But note: these are just my opinion.


The It Girl, Lucky, Infamous, and Classic by von Ziegesar (author of Gossip girl)
Revelation, Vanished, Ominous, and Vengeance by Kate Brian
All the Canterwood Crest series by Jessica Burkhart
The Rest of the Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard
Pretty Tough by Nicole Leigh Shepherd
And of course The Clique by Harrison

Well, that's all that I've come up with. But as you know, they will most likely not make these excellent books become audio books . After all, that's their agency. That's all for now. Sorry for all the silence on this blog.
