Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Stuff to Do Without Power

So, here's something completely random that I'm deciding to post. So, I'm coming up with some things that we can do without power. I know that I've certainly done many of these things without power. Including sitting outside and talking with neighbors and reading. And I also think that I've played some games too

Reading books
Writing in a journal or writing a story or drawing
Taking walks outside
Spend time with your family, neighbors, and friends
Do some service for them
Playing board games
Making good memories (without the power)

Come up with your own games
Teach each other history or other facts
Learning to adapt
Sing or play instruments or both
Talk among each other
Improving yourself both inwardly and physically

Well, those are some things that I came up. I'm sure that there are things that would like to do without any power.
See ya.

Post Chrismas and New Years Day


     Well, I will admit that I have had a good Christmas. Didn't get everything that was on my list. But that's okay. We don't always get everything that we want. But I did get some stuff that were on my list. And I even got two pairs of shoes which was a pleasant surprise because I got a pair of new shoes during my birthday. I got a book, some money, a few gift cards, and of course candy.
     On New Years Eve, I didn't go to any parties. I just hung out at home with family. I ate some veggies and some rolls along with with chips and mild salsa.
       So, I hope that everyone had a good New Years Eve. I am sorry for those of you who are feeling under the weather. I will admit that winter isn't a fun time a year when it comes to feeling sick and under the weather. Just stay hydrated and have some Vitamin C to help you as well as get plenty of rest. It's up to you whether or not you want to get the vaccine. Anyway, good luck for this new year. :)